Looking back 1974

Dec. 25, 1974 - MR. AND MRS. SANTA AND HELPERS — Students of Mt. Erie Elementary School celebrated a "White Christmas” Thursday, December 19, by bringing gifts of food wrapped in white paper to Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus for distribution during the holidays. Pictured from left to right are Jess Brown, Ken Sharratt, Ron Sherin and Ron Potter. Deanna Downs, seated, portrayed Mrs. Santa.

Dec. 24, 1914

In order that people of Anacortes may receive their Christmas gifts on time, the local post-office announces that one delivery and one collection will be made on Christmas day throughout the city. The past week has been an exceedingly busy one and on several occasions it seemed that the post-office would be completely swamped with Christmas business, but as we go to press tonight Assistant Postmaster F. G. Abbey reports that the post-office has practically cleaned up all the Christmas mail. On Tuesday the local post-office sent out 31 sacks of mail on one train which breaks all local records.

Cameron Martinez can be reached at cmartinez@goanacortes.com 

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