SEDRO-WOOLLEY — Members of the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group joined with others at the Hansen Creek footbridge in Sedro-Woolley on Wednes…
BURLINGTON — Children and their parents gathered Saturday outside the Children’s Museum of Skagit County for a salmon-themed day of hands-on e…
SEDRO-WOOLLEY — Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group members Lucy DeGrace and Megan Cahill released the final batch of coho salmon into the turb…
The state Department of Fish and Wildlife has extended salmon fishing on the Cascade River to seven days a week through Sunday, Oct. 24 — allo…
Beefing up the Stillaguamish River’s salmon runs will require diverse stakeholders from up and down the valley to find common ground on myriad issues. It will require determination and funding to achieve. The effot is already underway.
Fall is in the air, signaling yet another change in season as hunters prepare to head out into the field.
Scientists know that as water runs off roads and other hard surfaces into streams, it can become polluted and be toxic to salmon.
Earth Day is a time to celebrate the world we live in and reflect on ways to improve it. It’s time to explore what Earth offers and gather wit…
Skagit and Stillaguamish river coho salmon are among several marine fish populations that are at risk of being depleted due to overfishing.
The farm-raised Atlantic salmon that got out of a broken net pen Aug. 19 near Cypress Island have been found as far as 100 miles from the Cook…