SVH-600915 PLAN24-0522 & 0552
Details for SVH-600915 PLAN24-0522 & 0552
ISSUANCE DATE: January 23, 2025
COMMENTS DUE DATE: February 6, 2025
APPLICATION NAME & NUMBER: Woodland Drive Preliminary Short Plat, Critical Area Permit, Land Clearing and SEPA, PLAN24-0522 and PLAN24-0552
SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW & ISSUANCE OF AN OPTIONAL MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MDNS): The City has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS). This determination is based on the following findings and conclusions:
· The City (who is the lead agency) has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed with the City’s existing development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21C.240 and WAC 197-11-158.
As permitted under the WAC 97-11-355, the City of Mount Vernon is using the Optional MDNS process to give notice that a MDNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed MDNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS). A 10-day appeal period will follow the issuance of this MDNS. THIS MAY BE YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. Comments must be submitted by the date noted in this document to the above-identified Lead Agency Contact. The conditions being considered to mitigate potential environmental impacts can be downloaded from the City’s Permit Portal (instructions below) or interested parties can contact the City at 360-336-6214 and request the full text of this MDNS where these conditions are contained. These conditions are in addition to mitigation required by the City’s existing below-listed development regulations.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed is a two-lot short plat of an approximate 0.66-acre site to create a 10,316 square foot lot and a 18,634 square foot lot. One lot contains an existing single-family residence that is proposed to be retained. A land clearing permit is also being applied for to harvest timber and clear both lots (approximately 26,601 square feet), with approximately 25,000 board feet of timber to be removed.
A biological site assessment report was prepared by Aqua-Terr Systems, Inc. (ATSI) to investigate whether streams, wetlands or their associated buffers were located on the subject property; ATSI concluded that there are no streams, wetlands, or their associated buffers on the subject property.
A geotechnical report was prepared by GeoTest Services, Inc. to evaluate the presence of geological hazard areas; GeoTest concluded that an erosion hazard is present on the property.
PROJECT LOCATION: The site address is 1801 Woodland Drive, Mount Vernon, is described by the Skagit County Assessor as parcel P65482, is located approximately 180 linear feet south of the intersection of South Woodland Place and Woodland Drive, is within a portion of the NE ¼ of Section 28, Township 34N, Range 04E, W.M., and is at latitude 48°24’34.2”N and longitude 122°17’35.3”W.
APPLICANT: Sound Development Group, c/o Claire Severin, PO Box 1705, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
PROPERTY OWNER: Eduard Datskiy, 1762 N Woodland Drive, Mount Vernon, WA 98274
LEAD AGENCY CONTACT: Stacy Clauson, Senior Planner; Development Services Department; 910 Cleveland Avenue, Mount Vernon WA 98273; 360-336-6214.
Comments on the Notice of Application and Proposed Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) must be submitted, in writing, no later than February 6, 2025. Comments should be as specific as possible and those submitting comments are required to comply with the following:
· All comments must include: (1) your full name, (2) your mailing address, and (3) the name of the proposal you are commenting on.
· If you wish to submit comments electronically you must upload your comments into the city’s online permit portal because comments are NOT accepted via email. To upload comments into the City’s permit portal navigate to:, once on this page you must create a user account by clicking “Sign Up” located at the upper right corner of the webpage. Once you have created and verified your user account log into the system and click on “Go” in the My Portal box, and then on the next page that appears click on “Apply” in the Apply Online box. On the new page that appears under Step 1 select “Public Comments” and on Step 2 select “Public Comments for Land Use Permits”
· Comments submitted on paper are required to be mailed to the address provided for the Staff Person listed within this notice.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY THE DEPARTMENT THROUGH EMAIL. Items submitted not meeting the requirements of this section are considered as not being received by the city. Any person may comment on the application, receive notice, participate in hearing(s) if there are any, and request a copy of the decision once it is made. Final decisions on the permits described in this Notice can be appealed. To receive additional information regarding this project – including how, when, and the time limitations should you wish to submit an appeal - contact the Development Services Department and ask to become a party of record.
HOW TO RECEIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Environmental Checklist and associated technical reports, plans, and other materials are available for public viewing by following the directions below:
1. Navigate to:
2. Click on the blue “GO” link under the heading “My Portal”
3. Type the project number (PLAN24-0522 or PLAN24-0552) into the search bar at the top of the screen
4. Click on the project number below the search bar
The project materials are also available by emailing the City at or calling (360) 336-6214 and requesting copies of these documents.
(signature on file)
January 23, 2025
CITY OF MOUNT VERNON NOTICE OF APPLICATION & PROPOSED OPTIONAL MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MDNS) ISSUANCE DATE: January 23, 2025 COMMENTS DUE DATE: February 6, 2025 APPLICATION NAME & NUMBER: Woodland Drive Preliminary Short Plat, Critical Area Permit, Land Clearing and SEPA, PLAN24-0522 and PLAN24-0552 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW & ISSUANCE OF AN OPTIONAL MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MDNS): The City has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS). This determination is based on the following findings and conclusions: · The City (who is the lead agency) has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed with the City’s existing development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21C.240 and WAC 19711-158. As permitted under the WAC 97-11-355, the City of Mount Vernon is using the Optional MDNS process to give notice that a MDNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed MDNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS). A 10-day appeal period will follow the issuance of this MDNS. THIS MAY BE YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. Comments must be submitted by the date noted in this document to the above-identified Lead Agency Contact. The conditions being considered to mitigate potential environmental impacts can be downloaded from the City’s Permit Portal (instructions below) or interested parties can contact the City at 360-336-6214 and request the full text of this MDNS where these conditions are contained. These conditions are in addition to mitigation required by the City’s existing below-listed development regulations. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed is a twolot short plat of an approximate 0.66-acre site to create a 10,316 square foot lot and a 18,634 square foot lot. One lot contains an existing single-family residence that is proposed to be retained. A land clearing permit is also being applied for to harvest timber and clear both lots (approximately 26,601 square feet), with approximately 25,000 board feet of timber to be removed. A biological site assessment report was prepared by Aqua-Terr Systems, Inc. (ATSI) to investigate whether streams, wetlands or their associated buffers were located on the subject property; ATSI concluded that there are no streams, wetlands, or their associated buffers on the subject property. A geotechnical report was prepared by GeoTest Services, Inc. to evaluate the presence of geological hazard areas; GeoTest concluded that an erosion hazard is present on the property. PROJECT LOCATION: The site address is 1801 Woodland Drive, Mount Vernon, is described by the Skagit County Assessor as parcel P65482, is located approximately 180 linear feet south of the intersection of South Woodland Place and Woodland Drive, is within a portion of the NE ¼ of Section 28, Township 34N, Range 04E, W.M., and is at latitude 48°24’34.2”N and longitude 122°17’35.3”W. APPLICANT: Sound Development Group, c/o Claire Severin, PO Box 1705, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 PROPERTY OWNER: Eduard Datskiy, 1762 N Woodland Drive, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 LEAD AGENCY CONTACT: Stacy Clauson, Senior Planner; Development Services Department; 910 Cleveland Avenue, Mount Vernon WA 98273; 360336-6214. Comments on the Notice of Application and Proposed Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) must be submitted, in writing, no later than February 6, 2025. Comments should be as specific as possible and those submitting comments are required to comply with the following: · All comments must include: (1) your full name, (2) your mailing address, and (3) the name of the proposal you are commenting on. · If you wish to submit comments electronically you must upload your comments into the city’s online permit portal because comments are NOT accepted via email. To upload comments into the City’s permit portal navigate to: https:// ci-mountvernon-wa. Public/Home, once on this page you must create a user account by clicking “Sign Up” located at the upper right corner of the webpage. Once you have created and verified your user account log into the system and click on “Go” in the My Portal box, and then on the next page that appears click on “Apply” in the Apply Online box. On the new page that appears under Step 1 select “Public Comments” and on Step 2 select “Public Comments for Land Use Permits” · Comments submitted on paper are required to be mailed to the address provided for the Staff Person listed within this notice. PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY THE DEPARTMENT THROUGH EMAIL. Items submitted not meeting the requirements of this section are considered as not being received by the city. Any person may comment on the application, receive notice, participate in hearing(s) if there are any, and request a copy of the decision once it is made. Final decisions on the permits described in this Notice can be appealed. To receive additional information regarding this project – including how, when, and the time limitations should you wish to submit an appeal - contact the Development Services Department and ask to become a party of record. HOW TO RECEIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Environmental Checklist and associated technical reports, plans, and other materials are available for public viewing by following the directions below: 1. Navigate to: https:// ci-mountvernon-wa. Public/Home 2. Click on the blue “GO” link under the heading “My Portal” 3. Type the project number (PLAN24-0522 or PLAN24-0552) into the search bar at the top of the screen 4. Click on the project number below the search bar The project materials are also available by emailing the City at PermitTech@ or calling (360) 336-6214 and requesting copies of these documents. RESPONSIBLE PERSON: Stacie Pratschner (signature on file) Published January 23, 2025 SVH-600915
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