SVH-600920 Chpt. 39.80 RCW
Details for SVH-600920 Chpt. 39.80 RCW
2025-2027 On-Call Consultant Services Roster
Request for
Chapter 39.80 RCW (Architectural &
The Port of Anacortes (Port) is currently requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for various categories of professional services (Chapter 39.80 RCW) (Architectural & Engineering).
The Port anticipates a variety of public work projects at its existing facilities over the next three years. These projects include, but are not limited to, infrastructure, civil improvement, and environmental projects at all Port facilities.
The purpose of this solicitation is to develop a list of qualified consultants who may meet the requirements of the Port for providing consulting services related to port-wide projects on an as-needed/on-call basis. SOQs shall be kept on file for a three year period. The Port shall contract for on-call consulting services on a project-specific basis by issuing individual Task Orders under a base professional services agreement.
For the full Request for Qualifications (RFQ), please visit the Port of Anacortes website at and select the Contracting Opportunities tab. A copy may also be requested by calling (360) 293-3134. The full RFQ provides information on SOQ requirements including evaluation criteria, submittal deadline & location, selection process and contract award, and general information.
Proposals must be received by the Port of Anacortes before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2025.
January 23, 2025
PORT OF ANACORTES 2025-2027 On-Call Consultant Services Roster Request for Qualifications Chapter 39.80 RCW (Architectural & Engineering) The Port of Anacortes (Port) is currently requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for various categories of professional services (Chapter 39.80 RCW) (Architectural & Engineering). The Port anticipates a variety of public work projects at its existing facilities over the next three years. These projects include, but are not limited to, infrastructure, civil improvement, and environmental projects at all Port facilities. The purpose of this solicitation is to develop a list of qualified consultants who may meet the requirements of the Port for providing consulting services related to port-wide projects on an as-needed/oncall basis. SOQs shall be kept on file for a three year period. The Port shall contract for on-call consulting services on a project-specific basis by issuing individual Task Orders under a base professional services agreement. For the full Request for Qualifications (RFQ), please visit the Port of Anacortes website at w w w. p o r t o f a n a c o r t e s . com/contracting and select the Contracting Opportunities tab. A copy may also be requested by calling (360) 293-3134. The full RFQ provides information on SOQ requirements including evaluation criteria, submittal deadline & location, selection process and contract award, and general information. Proposals must be received by the Port of Anacortes before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2025. Published January 23, 2025 SVH-600920
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