SVH-600600 File # PL24-0350
Details for SVH-600600 File # PL24-0350
Skagit County Public Works
File # PL24-0350
Notice is hereby given that on September 25, 2024, Skagit County Public Works, in conjunction with Skagit County Parks and Recreation, filed a Type 3 Special Use Permit application (#PL24-0350) for the Schoolhouse Park material storage project. The project involves the Public Works Department setting aside a portion of the existing graded parking lot at Schoolhouse Park to allow for the stockpiling of material intended to be used for road improvement and maintenance projects, such as road re-surfacing/chip sealing, which occur approximately every four years. The total quantities of stockpiled material will be approximately 1,400 cubic yards at maximum capacity and will consist primarily of ½” chip rock encompassing an area of approximately 2,850 square feet. The project involves relocating 8 existing parking stalls to the west side of the existing parking lot. Skagit County Code (SCC) 14.16.320(4)(v) lists “Outdoor storage of processed and unprocessed natural material in quantities greater than 500 cubic yards that do not have a potential health hazard” as a use allowed with an approved Hearing Examiner Special Use Permit. The proposed project is located within the Rural Reserve (RRv) zoning/comprehensive plan designated area as indicated in the Skagit County Comprehensive Plan and associated maps. A letter of completeness was not issued, and the application was determined to be complete for review purposes on January 21, 2025.
The site is located at 5554 Edens Road, Guemes Island, Anacortes, within a portion of Section 1, Township 35N, Range 1E W.M., situated within Skagit County, Washington. (stockpile site P60876. adjacent ownership P31139).
A completed Special use permit applicaiton, Environmental Checklist, site plan, and other application materials are on file with Skagit County Planning and Development Services. This information is available to the public on request. Other governmental approvals or permits required for this proposal from Skagit County Planning and Development Services may include: Approved Grading (Land Disturbance) permit.
A decision on the application will be made within 170 days of the date the application was determined complete, which was 1-21-25. A public hearing before the Skagit County Hearing Examiner will be scheduled in the future in the board of County Commissioners Hearing Room, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, Washington, for the purpose of determining whether the Hearing Examiner should approve, modify and approve, or deny the application as soon as all reviews are completed. Any person desiring to express his or her views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify Brandon Black in writing of his or her interest within Fifteen (15) days of the date of publication of this notice which is 1-23-25. Failure to respond within the comment period could result in loss of the right to appeal. The file can be electronically viewed by contacting Planning and Development Services at or at the Continental Place address and phone number listed below.
Written comments must be received no later than 4:30 pm on: February 7, 2025.
Email correspondence will not be accepted, however, comments may be submitted via the PDS website under the “recent legal notices” tab. (
The Lead Agency expects to issue a DNS for this proposal and the Optional DNS process is being used (WAC 197-11-355). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal.
Brandon Black, Senior Planner
Skagit County Planning and Development Services
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA. 98273
(360) 416-1326
January 23, 2025
SKAGIT COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND OPTIONAL SEPA COMMENT PERIOD For Skagit County Public Works File # PL24-0350 Notice is hereby given that on September 25, 2024, Skagit County Public Works, in conjunction with Skagit County Parks and Recreation, filed a Type 3 Special Use Permit application (#PL24-0350) for the Schoolhouse Park material storage project. The project involves the Public Works Department setting aside a portion of the existing graded parking lot at Schoolhouse Park to allow for the stockpiling of material intended to be used for road improvement and maintenance projects, such as road re-surfacing/ chip sealing, which occur approximately every four years. The total quantities of stockpiled material will be approximately 1,400 cubic yards at maximum capacity and will consist primarily of ½” chip rock encompassing an area of approximately 2,850 square feet. The project involves relocating 8 existing parking stalls to the west side of the existing parking lot. Skagit County Code (SCC) 14.16.320(4) (v) lists “Outdoor storage of processed and unprocessed natural material in quantities greater than 500 cubic yards that do not have a potential health hazard” as a use allowed with an approved Hearing Examiner Special Use Permit. The proposed project is located within the Rural Reserve (RRv) zoning/ comprehensive plan designated area as indicated in the Skagit County Comprehensive Plan and associated maps. A letter of completeness was not issued, and the application was determined to be complete for review purposes on January 21, 2025. The site is located at 5554 Edens Road, Guemes Island, Anacortes, within a portion of Section 1, Township 35N, Range 1E W.M., situated within Skagit County, Washington. (stockpile site P60876. adjacent ownership P31139). A completed Special use permit applicaiton, Environmental Checklist, site plan, and other application materials are on file with Skagit County Planning and Development Services. This information is available to the public on request. Other governmental approvals or permits required for this proposal from Skagit County Planning and Development Services may include: Approved Grading (Land Disturbance) permit. A decision on the application will be made within 170 days of the date the application was determined complete, which was 1-21-25. A public hearing before the Skagit County Hearing Examiner will be scheduled in the future in the board of County Commissioners Hearing Room, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, Washington, for the purpose of determining whether the Hearing Examiner should approve, modify and approve, or deny the application as soon as all reviews are completed. Any person desiring to express his or her views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify Brandon Black in writing of his or her interest within Fifteen (15) days of the date of publication of this notice which is 1-23-25. Failure to respond within the comment period could result in loss of the right to appeal. The file can be electronically viewed by contacting Planning and Development Services at or at the Continental Place address and phone number listed below. Written comments must be received no later than 4:30 pm on: February 7, 2025. Email correspondence will not be accepted, however, comments may be submitted via the PDS website under the “recent legal notices” tab. ( The Lead Agency expects to issue a DNS for this proposal and the Optional DNS process is being used (WAC 197-11-355). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. Brandon Black, Senior Planner Skagit County Planning and Development Services 1800 Continental Place Mount Vernon, WA. 98273 (360) 416-1326 Published January 23, 2025 SVH-600600
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