After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Master Gardener Plant Fair is returning to the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Sponsored by the Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation (SCMGF), the Plant Fair has a reputation for being an event you don’t want to miss — especially if you love tomatoes.

This year’s Plant Fair has a new format: more buildings, more space, more plants, more cashiers. In Building F you’ll find veggie starts, annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. All of Building D will be dedicated to tomatoes. The Pavilion will host short gardening classes.

— Claire Cotnoir and Hank Davies are WSU/Skagit County Master Gardeners. Questions about home gardening or becoming a master gardener, may be directed to: WSU Extension Office, 11768 Westar Lane, Suite A, Burlington, WA 98233; by phone: 360-428-4270; or via the website:

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