ANACORTES — Downtown Anacortes has created a vibrant and collaborative environment among its shops and community and the goal is to expand tha…
A small group of Anacortes families and caregivers of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are banding together in an…
A long awaited update to airport operations management system and an authorization to execute first addendum to commercial lease with San Juan…
During the Port of Anacortes' Jan. 16 regular commission meeting, three people urged the port to settle its Seattle Northwest Yachts LLC. laws…
On Sunday evening, a fire destroyed a home in the Anacortes Skyline neighborhood. Smoke billowed high as the house burned in a sudden blaze.
These are some of the calls the Anacortes Police Department responded to between Friday, Jan. 10 and Thursday, Jan. 16.
Over the past year, a proposed local event center has been a hot-button topic for residents as they weigh the pros and cons of the plans being…
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These are some of the calls the Anacortes Police Department responded to between Friday, Jan. 3 and Thursday, Jan. 9.
The Anacortes School Board met on Jan. 9 to discuss a potential policy document called “Responding to Hate Speech and Bias Incidents” followin…
Spirits were high as around 50 children designed boats at the Cub Scout Pack 4084 Raingutter Regatta at the Anacortes Lutheran Church on Satur…
The Samish Indian Nation is a distinct, sovereign nation with its headquarters and tribal buildings located in Anacortes. Since the tribe does…
When Wally Garland was in high school in the 1970s, he had a teacher who left an impression on Garland and his peers.
After 26 years at Skagit County’s emergency communications center, Skagit 911 Director Helen Rasmussen has retired.
What war was General Eisenhower a part of? Who was president during World War I? What was Susan B. Anthony known for? What is one promise new …
Tucked in the first-floor corner suite of 819 Commercial Ave., Community Action of Skagit County's Anacortes Resource Center has been providin…
Council approves aerial imagery services contract
The new year brings with it many things, including a session of the state Legislature.
The Anacortes City Council met on Monday, Jan. 6 to listen to a presentation for the Mayor’s Award of Merit, oversee an Anacortes police promo…
These are some of the calls the Anacortes Police Department responded to between Friday, Dec. 20 and Thursday, Jan. 2.
In an exciting feat for Anacortes Robotics, both high school FIRST Tech Challenge teams are progressing to the state semifinals following the …
The Guemes Island Ferry returned to service Monday afternoon for its regular 4:30 p.m. run.
For families unable to stay up until midnight for the countdown to 2025, the Anacortes Public Library provided a midday alternative.
Whether for wellness, a challenge or a shot of energy, several hundred people gathered at Sunrise Beach in Anacortes on New Year’s Day for the…
The City of Anacortes weathered a turbulent year as they waited for the results of investigation into allegations of discrimination against Ma…
With the state legislature set to convene for their 2025 regular session on Jan. 13, Skagit Publishing reached out to local representatives to…
The Anacortes School District’s 2024 school year was filled with difficult discussions, budget cuts and the death of an elementary teacher.
The Guemes Island Ferry lost its propeller during a run Saturday afternoon, leaving the island without a car ferry.
A major change in leadership as well as the inception and continuation of major projects took the forefront of the Port of Anacortes' 2024.