I’m replying to letters by Charlene White and Jocie DeVries concerning the Stanwood-Camano school board that appeared in recent editions of the paper.
On Thursday evening Stanwood Camano School District held a health and safety program at Stanwood High School.
Hopefully the wildfire tragedy unfolding in California can serve as a wake-up call for our Island County.
The lovely Stanwood Camano community has been torn apart and factions created in spite of the sincere efforts of the duly elected School Board.
The Stanwood Camano Newspaper has once again missed the mark. The recent story about the "school district disputes" issue did nothing to lower the temperature and rhetoric at the school board meetings over the resignation of Dr. Rumbaugh.
I taught in the SCSD for 31 years, and I have seen this district go through countless controversies and problems — from sex education to bestiality in the school newspaper to suspect hiring practices.
My husband and I are retired and new to Camano Island.
I attended the Stanwood-Camano School District Academic Advisory Committee meeting (not the secret club) and was very impressed by the community turnout and Dr. Rumbaugh's presentation.
It started with the election of Betsy Foster and Steve King to the school board, both of whom align with Al Schreiber’s known conservative and anti-equity views. They began dismantling the power of the Superintendent this fall.
When a school board loses its way, it is up to the people of the community to stand together and demand accountability.
With the decline in community newspapers nationwide, I am grateful that we have the Stanwood Camano News.
I’d like to add depth to Isabella Loy’s insightful articles on our school board. The board is a toxic environment, evident in board meeting recordings on the district’s website.
Latest e-Edition
For those paying attention, our recent national election offered a clear didactic to the media about what NOT to do.
I attended a meeting this week about Island County plans for Camano.
Have you heard what's happening with the removal of the principal at Utsalady Elementary? This is beyond outrageous!
Al Schreiber needs to resign from the Stanwood-Camano School District's Board of Directors — not just from his position as board president, as he did the last time he became caught up in controversy in 2019, but his seat and role in its entirety.
I am a teacher of elementary students in the Stanwood-Camano School District. I teach all of my students how to value our differences, share differing or even opposing ideas in respectful ways, and have productive conversations.
Have you heard of the Rotary Club of Stanwood-Camano? It does a lot more than put on the annual parade.
Janet St. Clair, candidate for State Senate, knows and cares.
There is an important local issue on our November ballot — Superior Court position 12. As an attorney, I receive many questions from family and friends about judicial elections. The decision for voters on this important judicial position is clear: we must keep Judge Whitney Rivera on the bench!
It is with strong conviction that I endorse Melanie Bacon who is uniquely qualified to serve us as Island County Commissioner.
I hope voters know a vote for the democrat party is a vote for radical leftists who hate America and want to transform it which, in this context, is a nice way to say destroy it.
As a member of the Snohomish County legal community with more than 40 years of experience in the courtroom, I am strongly urging the voters of Snohomish County to vote to retain Judge Whitney Rivera on our Superior Court bench.
As a young woman in Washington State, I generally feel that my reproductive freedoms are protected by most of my state legislators.
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I am writing to endorse Melanie Bacon for District 1 County Commissioner, and I do for many very good reasons. First, I want to mention that her background in public service is one with outstanding quality and accomplishment, and in private business as well.
Our schools are the foundation of our community, shaping the future of every student.
I am writing this letter to really encourage you to vote for Judge Whitney Rivera for Superior Court Judge. I met her this summer when she was sworn in, I have never in my 18 years as a high school principal and 11 years on Arlington City Council been so impressed with someone after meeting …
A collection of the Stanwood Camano News' News Files in 2024.
As a young voter, I and many others do not feel properly represented in the current two-party system. If we are to preserve and protect American democracy as President Biden and many others claim to stand for abroad, we need to stand for it here at home first.
In his book: “Social Justice Fallacies,” dealing with errors in premises and analysis, 93-year-old Harvard Professor and Economist Dr. Thomas Sowell makes a couple of significant points from his exhaustive research of what really happens:
As a resident of Camano Island, I am writing to express my strong support for Janet St. Clair for State Senate because of her dedication to protecting our environment and natural resources.
In his book: “Social Justice Fallacies,” dealing with errors in premises and analysis, 93-year-old Harvard Professor and Economist Dr. Thomas Sowell makes a couple of significant points from his exhaustive research of what really happens:
I am writing to express my support for Janet St. Clair for State Senate because of her commitment to ensuring access to healthcare for all Washingtonians.
With respect to motorist safety along Highway 532 connecting Stanwood to Camano Island, there needs to be more speeding awareness and management. There is not enough attention drawn to the danger of driving above the posted speed limit on this highway.
This letter is written in support of Janet St. Clair, candidate for State Senator.
My three granddaughters are in the SCSD…one graduated last June, one is graduating next month, and the third one is entering Stanwood High in September. The oldest one was in the highly-capable program from the 3rd grade until high school when she took honors and AP classes. The second one c…
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” — Seth Godin
We are fortunate to have an outstanding Democratic candidate running for State Senate in the 10th LD. Janet St. Clair provides a stark contrast to the incumbent whose voting record supports the Republican agenda as demonstrated by his opposition to various bills supporting healthcare and a w…
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts the sails.” — William Arthur Ward
My first time attending a Stanwood Camano School Board Meeting was on April 16, 2024. It was an eye opener! I am appalled at the disorder and chaos during the meeting.
I recently attended a Stanwood/Camano School District school board meeting. I was there to read a written statement from an anonymous source.
As a 30-year, retired teacher in the Stanwood-Camano School District, I was shocked to read the statements of two school board members, the first being by Director Betsy Foster who voiced concerns about equity and diversity language in the Washington State School Directors’ Association advoc…
Congratulations to cast of Cinderella
Hi friends and neighbors, Betsy Foster here.
I am writing to remind Stanwood-Camano Island residents that it's imperative that the exercise their right to vote.
Words and ideas associated with change: